nice to meet you

Hi, I'm Lindsay!

Your Expert in Teen Confidence and Parenting Teens with Connection.

Work with me

I help teens rediscover their inner loving core beliefs, and guide their parents to create a home environment that supports acceptance and self compassion


I help teens who...

  •  Want to raise their hand in class, but as their heart starts thumping, they hold back, and then continue to struggle to figure out the concepts and learn the way they want to
  •  Desire to reach out to someone from school to hang out, but feel like they'll say the wrong thing, so they just sit at home playing video games
  •  Commit to getting their English essay done, but when they hear a notification on their phone, end up going down a trail of funny YouTube videos for an hour, once again creating this feeling of being behind and almost constant anxiety about school
  •  Say no to trying out for the basketball team or school play because they know they'll mess up and then have to suffer the flood of unkind thoughts about themselves and off hand remarks from others.
  •  Feel so depressed or anxious some days that they just can’t get to school or they do and then come home and hide.
  •  If any of this sounds like your teen, learn more about coaching here.

Success Stories

How Self-Sabotage impacts Connection with your Teen

Mar 13, 2024

A Compassionate Approach to Teen Mistakes - 5 Tips for Support

Mar 05, 2024

Do you want to know the real definition of confidence?

Nov 10, 2023

Use the power of Self Love to create connection and decrease anxiety, self-doubt, and perfectionism!

Get “Better Self Talk” for teens


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